What’s Happening in February, 2024

What’s Happening in February, 2024

NFMC Distric Festival

Saturday, February 17th

Trinity Prsbyterian Church in Palm Coast

The NFMC Festivals Program aims to provide aspiring musicians with a platform to showcase their talents and receive an annual evaluation in a supportive and non-competitive setting. By participating in NFMC Festivals, individuals are encouraged to deepen their engagement with music and strive for excellence in their musical endeavors. 

We are proud to announce the following students representing Planet e Studios this year in voice, piano, drums, and sight-playing:

Collin B.
Kali D.
Estevao F.
Mackenzie K.
Valentina M.
Abigail P.

Landon B.
Marianne D.
Olivia H.
Noah K.
Cristian M.
Olivia R.

Annaliese B.
Meaganne D.
Cline H.
Braden L.
Kenil M.
Nailee S.

Ivan C.
Aubrie D.
Annabelle H.
Faith L.
Lindy N.
Brooklynn W.

Alex C.
Branson D.
Gabriella H.
Lucas L.
Sophia P.
Avery W.

Alexis D.
Briana D.
Leah K.
Madelyn M.
Olivia P.
Gary W.

Our Youth Rock Band Winter Semester has started, with two weekly group band classes. These bands will continue through until their showcase April 20th, at the end of their 12 week semester. We encourage all our students and families to attend this event, which will be open to the public, especially those interested in joining for the next semester. Keep a lookout on the “What’s Happening” wall in the lobby, and our future newsletters for an announced date for YRB Spring Auditions.

Grand Villa Senior Living Facility

Monthly Performance Opportunities

At Planet e Studios, our students are provided with a valuable opportunity to showcase their talent by performing for the residents at Grand Villa of Palm Coast on a monthly basis. This experience serves as a platform for our students to refine their performance skills in front of a live audience.

The residents, who eagerly anticipate these performances, warmly embrace our students and express their delight and appreciation. The overwhelmingly positive feedback received from the residents further validates the favorable impact that our visits have on their overall well-being.

In order to ensure regular visits, we’ve scheduled our performances for the third Sunday of every month. Here are upcoming dates so that you can plan ahead:

February 18th, March 17th, April 14, and May 19th.

If you are interested in participating at future performances, please let your teacher or our Music Director know.

Teacher Spotlight

Eunju Delura

Eunju Delura- Eunju has been with Planet e Studios for 3 years and 4 months! She teaches piano with us Monday thru Thursday, and has the highest attendance record over everyone at Planet e Studios. Eunju is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet, with the kindest heart. Her students thrive in their lessons and regularly perform in recitals, Grand Villa visits, and festival events. Thank you for being a part of us, Eunju!

Pokémon at Planet e Studios

Planet e Studios is pleased to announce the resounding success of our Pokémon Trading Card Game meetups, held every Sunday from 3pm-5pm for FREE and open to the public. These gatherings serve as an ideal platform for avid Pokémon TCG enthusiasts to convene, participate in gameplay, and foster connections with like-minded individuals who share their passion for this engaging card game.

Whether you are an experienced player or a novice eager to explore the thrilling realm of Pokémon TCG, we extend a warm invitation for you to join us this coming weekend. This presents an exceptional opportunity to enhance your skills, cultivate new friendships, and engage in exhilarating battles that unfold upon the trading card battlefield. Our dedicated team is readily available to offer guidance and support to anyone desiring to learn and participate.

Zumba After Hours

We are very excited to announce the newest class addition to Planet e Studios: Zumba! We’re starting off this endeavor with Zumba After Hours on Tuesdays, from 7:30pm-8:30pm, starting Tuesday, February 13th! Each class is $8 a head, with room for up to 12. Our Zumba teacher Brandi is part of the Planet e Studios community, and has been a part of the Zumba world for over a decade. Her energy, moves, and awesome playlists will keep you coming back each week.

Why Zumba? It’s an incredible way to experience music, while throwing in a ridiculously fun, whole body dance workout! We’re starting with After Hours on Tuesdays, but we are also looking into homeschool class options during daytime hours, and even more zumba class options in the evenings.

Reach out each week to reserve your spot!