Lobby Renovations
Lobby renovations were recently completed during our winter break, and the final touches will be concluded in the first week after our return. As part of these renovations, Suite 208 and 209 have been officially connected, eliminating the need for separate entrances, depending on the studio you were in. From now on, everyone will enter through Suite 209 only. In addition to expanding the lobby between the suites, we have also closed off our large studio and expanded the stage to accommodate future performances.

Our next step is to finalize the construction of our teacher’s lounge, providing them with a comfortable space during their downtime. Following this, we will proceed with renovations in the stage area. This will involve the installation of stage curtains, lighting rigs, acoustic treatment and a sound system. These additions will enable us to host open mics, talent shows, Youth Rock Band performances, mini recitals, workshops for the public, and much more.

Our Youth Rock Band auditions will be taking place 1/13/24, after our makeup day. There is still time to register for auditions on our website. You will need to audition to get into the Youth Rock Band. Register as soon as possible if you are interested so we can schedule your time. Limited time slots are available.
Each semester consists of 12 sessions and concludes with a showcase of our bands. Each semester is $250, covering expenses such as the rental of the space, instruments, and instructors. New students are also required to pay a $15 registration fee.
District Festival Next Month
Planet e Studios is proud to announce that 40 students specializing in voice, piano, and drums are currently engaged in rigorous preparations for the upcoming National Federation of Music Clubs’ District Festival, scheduled to take place on February 17, 2024. If you are one of these dedicated students, it is imperative that you attend all available lessons, including any make-up sessions, in order to ensure you are fully prepared for this prestigious event
To further support our voice students, we will be organizing musical accompaniment sessions in the coming weeks, featuring the exceptional talents of our esteemed piano instructor, Mrs. Sara Booth. It is important to note that the District Festival will be held at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Palm Coast, adding to the significance of this occasion, as it is because of our students and their participation, that the NFMC has for the past 2 years sent us judges and the funds to rent a local space. Before districts were only held in Jacksonville. We commend our students for theirn unwavering commitment and commendable efforts in striving for excellence.
Grand Villa Senior Living Facility
Monthly Performance Opportunities
Every month, our students have the unique opportunity to showcase their talent by performing for the esteemed residents at Grand Villa of Palm Coast. This invaluable experience allows them to hone their performance skills in front of a live audience. The residents, who eagerly anticipate these performances, warmly receive our students, expressing their delight and appreciation. Their overwhelmingly positive feedback further reinforces the positive effect our visits have on their well-being.

Our last session at Grand Villa was full of our own instructors, students, and parents, participating in Holiday Carols for all.
To ensure regular visits, we have established a tradition of scheduling our performances on the 3rd Sunday of each month. We are currently in the process of finalizing the dates for 2024 and will communicate them to our students and the residents in due course. Our next visit is scheduled for Sunday, January 21st.
Teacher Spotlight
Sara Booth

Sara has been with Planet e Studios for 2 ½ years! She teaches piano and music exploration with us, and is also the accompanist for all of our voice festival students who participate in District and State Festival. Sara’s fun personality puts a smile on all of our faces, and we love hearing the creative music games she and her students play. Thank you, Sara!
Make-up Lessons Reminder

Make-up lessons are available on the 2nd Saturday of every month. If there is a conflict with the 2nd Saturday, we choose a different Saturday that month, but the dates are always posted in the studio on the “What’s Happening” board. Our next one will be 1/13/24. That’s the weekend we’re back after Winter Break. You can sign up with our Music Director anytime beforehand to reserve your time, if you have a lesson to make up.
Pokémon at Planet e Studios
As part of our expanding range of activities, we are thrilled to announce the success of our Pokémon Trading Card Game meetups, which take place every Sunday from 3pm-5pm. These meetups offer an excellent platform for Pokémon TCG enthusiasts to convene, partake in gameplay, and connect with individuals who share their passion.

Whether you are a seasoned player or a newcomer eager to delve into the exciting world of Pokémon TCG, we extend a warm invitation for you to join us this weekend. This presents a perfect opportunity to enhance your skills, forge new friendships, and engage in thrilling battles that unfold on the trading card battlefield. Our dedicated team stands ready to provide guidance and support to anyone seeking to learn and play. We have plenty of decks for you to use if you don’t have your own. Do not miss out on this extraordinary opportunity!
Planet e Studios in 2024
We are excited about the upcoming expansions at Planet e Studios. In the first quarter, we will be introducing group sessions for piano, guitar, ukulele, and drum circles. These group classes will not only make lessons more affordable for our families but also provide an additional opportunity for guided practice in private lessons.
In addition to the music offerings, we are also expanding into dance lessons. We have lined up exceptional teachers and have plans to improve our studio by waxing the floor and adding mirrors to the walls. Jazz, hip hop, and freestyle lessons will be available during regular business hours, while evening ballroom lessons will cater to couples. Stay tuned for more details.
Furthermore, we are considering the addition of visual arts and a sound club in the future, depending on the level of interest. Our Administrative Director, who previously worked with the Flagler County Art League, understands the positive impact of art classes on the community’s youth. We aim to bring back this influence by collaborating with esteemed local artists.
The sound club will cater to students interested in learning more about the behind-the-scenes aspects of musical performance, such as operating live sound, recording, music editing and mixing, as well as post-production and mastering. Keep an eye out for more information.
If you are interested in any of these future endeavors, please inform our directors. We value your input.
Lastly, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our students, families, and teachers who have contributed to the growth of our music school. Without your passion for the arts and dedication to learning, we would not have achieved our current success. Thank you!