What’s Happening in April, 2024

What’s Happening in April, 2024

Grand Villa Senior Living Facility

Monthly Performance Opportunities

At Planet e Studios, we are proud to offer our students a unique opportunity to showcase their immense talent and passion for the performing arts. As part of our commitment to nurturing their growth, we have forged a special partnership with Grand Villa of Palm Coast, a renowned senior living community. Every month, our students take center stage, captivating the residents with their breathtaking performances.

This truly extraordinary experience not only allows our students to harness their performance skills, but also provides them with a platform to shine in front of a live, appreciative audience. The residents of Grand Villa of Palm Coast eagerly anticipate these monthly events, eagerly awaiting the awe-inspiring performances that our students deliver.
The heartwarming reception and overwhelming support from the residents are a testament to the profound impact our visits have on their overall well-being. Their genuine delight and heartfelt appreciation serve as powerful reminders of the transformative power of music and the performing arts.

By showcasing their talents at such a prestigious venue, our students gain invaluable real-world experience, boosting their confidence and propelling them towards a successful future in the arts. It is through these meaningful connections that Planet e Studios continues to foster a vibrant community of artists, inspiring a lifelong love for music and performance.

April 21st @ 3pm**, May 19th and June 16th @ 2pm

If you are interested in participating in future performances, please inform your teacher and our Music Director, Emily.

Youth Rock Band Showcase

Our pilot Youth Rock Band semester is coming to an end this month with a Showcase of everything they have been working on this past semester. We think it has been a resounding success and can’t wait to see their performance on Sunday, 4/21/24, which will take place right here at Planet e Studios, at 1pm, before we head over to Grand Villa that day. This event is open to the public, and we highly encourage anyone interested in future opportunities with the Youth Rock Band to join us. Please note that due to limited space, priority will be given to the families of our band members.

We warmly invite all of you to be a part of this incredible experience. Your presence and support will undoubtedly mean the world to these talented young musicians. We look forward to seeing you there!

Youth Rock Band Auditions

Spring Semester

Attention all aspiring rock stars! Exciting news!

The auditions for our incredible Youth Rock Band have been rescheduled for April 28th. This is your chance to join a band that rocks Palm Coast!

To secure your spot in the band, don’t miss out on the opportunity to audition. Registration is now open on our website, so don’t wait! We strongly encourage you to sign up as soon as possible to guarantee your audition time. Hurry, though, because slots are limited and filling up fast!

Our program is designed to unleash your inner rockstar! We offer jam-packed semesters, each consisting of 12 exhilarating sessions. And guess what? We have something special planned at the end of each semester – an unforgettable showcase featuring our talented bands!

For the amazing opportunities and experiences we provide, we offer an affordable semester fee of just $250. But wait, it gets even better! Current students enjoy an exclusive discounted rate of $240. Now that’s what we call rockin’ value for your money!

Are you ready to take the stage and unleash your musical talents? New students are required to pay a one-time registration fee of just $15. This ensures you receive the best possible experience as part of our thriving rock band community.

When you join us, you’ll engage in weekly sessions with skilled instructors and fellow band members. Plus, you’ll have the chance to explore and master a range of instruments like guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, and more. We believe in offering you a comprehensive musical journey!

NFMC State Festival

May 3rd & 4th at USF in Tampa

Planet e Studios is currently preparing for the upcoming State Festival at USF in Tampa, which will take place on May 3rd and 4th. We are excited to announce that 23 of our talented students in voice, piano, and drums will be participating in this highly competitive event.

State Festival is a prestigious opportunity where students perform for three judges and compete for 1st place or Honorable Mention (2nd place) in their category. There will be over a couple thousand students traveling to USF solely for this event.

Our participation in this event highlights the dedication and commitment of both our students and our instructors. We have been working diligently to ensure that our students are well-prepared and confident in their performance.

We believe that participating in events like State Festival not only helps our students in their personal growth and musical development, but it also enhances our reputation as a leading music and performing arts school in Palm Coast. It demonstrates our commitment to excellence and our ability to produce exceptional talent.

We are looking forward to cheering on our students at the State Festival and celebrating their achievements. This event is a testament to the passion and dedication that drives Planet e Studios and our students to strive for excellence in the field of music and performing arts.

Teacher Spotlight

Stephen Scouten

Steve has been with Planet e Studios for 1 year and 5 months! He teaches guitar, bass, and ukulele with us on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Mr. Steve is one of the most calming and relaxing teachers that makes everyone feel comfortable, whether they are a 5 year old student or an adult student.

He gigs and plays regularly in the St. Augustine area, so you might be lucky enough to hear him in action. We are grateful to have you with us, Steve!

Music Exploration Spots Available

6 mo-2 yr & 3-5 yr Programs

Discover the magic of music with our Music Exploration classes at Planet e Studios. Every Wednesday, we offer two incredible classes tailored to different age groups: one for little ones aged 6 months to 2 years at 10am, and another for children aged 3 to 5 years at 11am.
Immerse your child in a world of musical adventure and creativity with our engaging activities. From finger-plays to speaking, singing to movement, dancing to instrumental features, our classes are designed to ignite a deep love and appreciation for music in young minds.
With a wide range of musical instruments on offer, including the piano, xylophones, tambourines, bells, shakers, drums, triangles, and wood sounders, your child will have the opportunity to explore and experiment with different sounds and rhythms.

Our dynamic classes combine guided music activities with student-led learning, providing a perfect balance of structure and freedom. As your child participates in these sessions, they will develop essential early music skills while simultaneously enhancing memory and brain development, hand-eye coordination, ear training, recognition and listening skills, social skills, and confidence building.

Don’t miss out on these fantastic classes for your young musicians! Limited spots are available for both classes, so call or text 386.242.4014 today to secure your child’s place.

Make-up Lessons

Make-up lessons are available on the 2nd Saturday of every month. If there is a conflict with the 2nd Saturday, we choose a different Saturday that month, but the dates are always posted in the studio on the “What’s Happening” board. Our next one will be 4/13/24. You can sign up with our Music Director anytime beforehand to reserve your time, if you have a lesson to make up.

Zumba After Hours

We are excited to announce that Zumba: After Hours at Planet e Studios has been a huge success. Due to its overwhelming popularity, we have expanded our classes to include Thursdays 7:30pm – 8:30pm in addition to Tuesdays 7:30pm – 8:30pm.

Join us for an exhilarating Zumba workout like no other, priced at an unbeatable $8 per person, per class. With intimate classes limited to 12 participants, you’ll receive personalized attention for a truly immersive experience.

Led by Brandi, an experienced Zumba instructor, each session promises infectious energy, mesmerizing moves, and curated playlists that will leave you wanting more.

Zumba offers a unique fusion of music and dance, providing an enjoyable full-body workout. Whether you’re a Zumba enthusiast or new to fitness, you’ll leave feeling energized and inspired.

Book your spot now and join our growing community of Zumba enthusiasts!

Pokémon Tournament May 19th

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our very first Pokemon TCG tournament at Planet e Studios! Registration for this highly anticipated event will open April 15th, so be sure to mark your calendars and visit planetestudios.com/pokemon to secure your spot.

Join us for an exhilarating experience as you compete against fellow trainers in an action-packed event that promises epic battles and unforgettable moments. The tournament entry fee is only $10, and participants will have the opportunity to play in one of two distinct divisions: the Junior Division for ages 7-12, and the Senior Division for ages 13-18. We believe in fostering a fair and inclusive environment, which is why there will be no division for players aged 18 and above.

We believe in rewarding excellence, and so the first-place prize for each division is a coveted Temporal Forces Elite Trainer Box; a truly exceptional reward for the ultimate champion. But don’t worry, we value every participant’s commitment and effort, which is why we have planned second-place prizes for both divisions, as well as something for everyone who participates, so no one will leave empty-handed.

To help you prepare and hone your strategies, we invite all trainers to join us every Sunday from 3pm – 5pm for casual play and practice sessions. This is the perfect opportunity to fine-tune your skills, familiarize yourself with the unique dynamics of competitive play, and make lasting connections with fellow players.