Headshot of John Csorba, Percussion and Drums teacher at Planet e Studios

Quick Facts

Years Experience: 25+
Availability:  Tues – Wed
Lessons Available: 

  • Drums
  • Percussion

John Csorba

John Csorba has been teaching music for thirty-five years and is presently retired from the Public and Private school systems. His instruction levels included Pre-K, Early Childhood, Elementary and Middle School students. He has also provided private music lessons for students and has worked summer programs throughout his career.

John was involved in numerous vocal and instrumental performances in the New York City Public School Arts Program. The Park Slope School developed a collaboration with the Julliard Teaching Fellowship Program, which allowed his elementary and middle school students to perform at Lincoln Center. This ensemble consisted of strings, winds, and percussion.

John’s other accomplishments included the Park Slope School chorus. The students were invited to sing on the plaza of Brooklyn Borough Hall, during the Spring seasons of 2008-2012. After retiring from the NYC Public School system, he taught music, part time, in the private school systems, and that endeavor brought new and exciting challenges.

John is a percussionist with an emphasis on drum set and non-pitched percussion instruments. His performance experiences include playing various percussion instruments in a variety of musical settings. He plays piano as well as other grade appropriate classroom instruments. Accompanying students while they sing has allowed John’s students to appreciate different genres of music.

John holds a B.A. in Music and a Masters Degree in Education. He is an active performer in the St. Augustine area. His interest in music began at ten years old when he started taking private drum lessons. After studying music in High School and College, John decided to go into education in 1985. His musical journey is not slowing down any time soon.

30 Minute Lessons

$ 110
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship

45 Minute Lessons

$ 160
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship

60 Minute Lessons

$ 210
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship