NFMC District Festival Results
State Festival May 9-10, 2025
Last month, Planet e Studios had an outstanding showing at the NFMC’s District Festival. There were 447 entrants who came and performed, and our studio came home with 33 Superior ratings, 3 Excellent ratings, and 1 Comments Only. We are very proud of how our students conducted themselves at this event. Thank you for representing our studio with poise and professionalism. A special shout out goes to our teachers who helped prepare our students so well for this event, and especially to Mr. Omar, who also accompanied our voice students!
For those who are interested, if you received a Superior rating at District Festival, you qualify to enter State Festival, also known as the Junior Convention. This year’s Junior Convention is Friday and Saturday May 9th and 10th, in Tampa, at the University of Tampa’s School of Music. This is a highly competitive event with only one winner in each category. Please check your email for more information.
Grand Villa Performance
Sunday, March 16th, 2pm

Last month’s visit to Grand Villa was an absolute delight! Our new performers captivated the residents with their debut performances, and we were treated to encore performances from our talented Superior performers, fresh from their District Festival success the day before. The group performance of Bobby McFerrin’s classic “Don’t Worry Be Happy” had everyone singing along and lifted everyone’s spirits.
If you’d like to join us for the next performance at Grand Villa on Sunday, March 16th at 2pm, be sure to let your teacher know or send a text to our Music Director. The residents have expressed how much they look forward to our visits, and we can’t wait to share more music and memories with them.
As always, we thank you for your continued support of our community outreach program. These special performances allow us to spread joy and foster meaningful connections through the power of music. We hope to see you at our next event!
Sunday, Mar. 16th @ 2pm
Sunday, Apr. 20th @ 2pm
Sunday, May 18th @ 2pm

Youth Rock Band Auditions
Saturday, March 8th

Are you ready to unleash your inner rockstar? Our Youth Rock Band Spring Semester auditions are just around the corner! On Saturday, March 8th, starting at 2:30pm (after make-up lessons), we’re holding auditions for our incredible program that will help you grow as a musician and perform with fellow talented students.
To secure your spot in this life-changing experience, make sure to register on our website at as soon as possible. Spots are limited, and we don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to develop your skills, make new friends, and have the time of your life!
During our 12-week program, you’ll learn how to play various rock band instruments, write your own compositions, and perform in different styles. You’ll be challenged to step out of your comfort zone by singing or trying a new instrument, all while building strong bonds with your bandmates. The semester will culminate in an exhilarating band showcase, open to the public, where you can show off your hard work and progress.
At just $250 per semester ($240 for current students), you’ll have access to weekly hour-long sessions with experienced instructors and passionate fellow musicians. Don’t forget, there’s a one-time $15 registration fee for new students.
Don’t miss out – take a chance and register for our Youth Rock Band Spring Semester auditions today. You never know where this exciting journey might take you!
Youth Rock Band Showcase

The recent Youth Rock Band showcase was nothing short of spectacular, marking the culmination of the program’s fourth semester and showcasing the impressive new stage renovations at Planet e Studios. With curtains draped elegantly around the stage, a state-of-the-art sound system, and captivating lighting, the atmosphere was perfect for our talented performers.
Kicking off the event, the Tuesday class dazzled the audience with their skill and versatility, blending the talents of experienced Youth Rock Band students with fresh, new performers. They delivered stunning renditions of songs by Hoobastank and The Cranberries, and even treated us to an original composition that they had only two weeks to put together. Their performance was a testament to the resilience and determination they demonstrated throughout the semester.

The Thursday group took the stage next, presenting an awe-inspiring 8-piece medley that seamlessly transitioned between various songs and featured members switching instruments mid-performance. The inclusion of acoustic renditions, accompanied by the soothing sound of a rain stick, added a unique touch to their already impressive set. We’re glad to see them using all musical elements around them.
Teacher Spotlight
Larisa Feinberg

This month’s Teacher Spotlight shines on the incredible Mrs. Larisa, a beloved member of the Planet e Studios family. With five years of dedication to our studio under her belt, she continues to inspire and guide students of all ages on their musical journeys.
Mrs. Larisa’s passion for music and teaching is truly contagious. Her long history as a private piano instructor led her to Planet e Studios in 2017, where her decision to “retire” and transfer her students to Music Director Emily (also her daughter) marked the beginning of our studio’s Palm Coast location. But, as anyone who knows Larisa can attest, her love for music and teaching couldn’t keep her away for long. We’re so thankful that she returned to our studio and continues to be an integral part of our community.
From her warm smile that greets you at the door, to her ability to connect with students ranging from young beginners to seasoned musicians, Mrs. Larisa’s impact is truly immeasurable.
Pokémon TCG Meetup
Sunday, April 6th, 2pm to 4pm

Calling all Pokémon Trainers! Join us on the first Sunday of every month for our Pokémon TCG Meetups at Planet e Studios. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for reminders and updates! Whether you’re a Pokémaster or just starting your journey, you’ll find a welcoming environment filled with trading, learning, and friendly battles. Don’t miss out on the fun—catch ’em all with us

Embark on a musical adventure with Miss Hannah! Our Music Exploration class offers a captivating and interactive experience for children aged 3 to 5, accompanied by an adult. Every Wednesday at 11:00 AM, your little music explorer will engage in a range of activities, from fingerplays and singing to dancing and playing with a variety of instruments. Call or text 386.242.4014 to secure your child’s spot and watch them develop a lifelong love for music.
Make-up Lessons Reminder
Make-up lessons are available on the 2nd Saturday of every month. If there is a conflict with the 2nd Saturday, we choose a different Saturday that month. The dates are always posted in the studio on the “What’s Happening” board. You can sign up with our Music Director anytime beforehand to reserve your time, if you have a lesson to make up.