Not only do we aim to develop proficiency in students’ chosen instruments, but we also emphasize the importance of seamlessly switching between instruments and working together as a cohesive band.

Our program offers a well-rounded approach, allowing students to study and perform a diverse repertoire of music. They can choose songs that match their musical preferences and also have the opportunity to compose their own original music, showcasing their unique artistic voices.

In each class, students receive personalized attention and guidance from experienced instructors. They explore various rock instruments, developing technical and musical skills.

In our Youth Rock Band program, collaboration is key. Students learn to work together, listen, and engage in musical conversations. Through rehearsals and performances, they develop teamwork skills and the ability to blend sounds harmoniously. This prepares them for future collaborations with other musicians.

We are Providers of Step Up for Students
At Planet e Studios, we understand that learning music is a journey, and we are committed to providing a supportive and encouraging environment for our students. By offering a comprehensive curriculum that combines technical training, creative exploration, and collaborative experiences, we equip young musicians with the skills and confidence they need to excel in the exciting world of rock music.
Auditions Sunday, March 8th, 2024, 1pm