Support our New Facebook Page
We Need Your Help!

Unfortunately, our original Facebook Page has been unpublished. Our account was hacked from four different locations in Europe last month. One of the hackers attempted to access our AD accounts, where they ultimately violated community guidelines and standards. After about a week of working with Facebook, they informed us that all we could do is build a new page.
We are asking all of our friends and family to Like, Follow, and leave a review* on the new page to help build back our following and to help others in our community discover us for music. We’re already up to about ⅓ of the followers our original page had, but all of our ratings and reviews are still gone. While you’re waiting for your child’s lesson to finish, please take a moment to leave us a rating or review so that our community knows they can trust us and benefit from taking lessons with us. We appreciate all of you for your support and help!
Grand Villa Senior Living Facility
Fourth of July Parade on Saturday, July 6th!

Saturday, July 6, 2024, we are participating in Grand Villa’s 4th of July Parade
Text/email us ASAP if you are coming so that we can get a headcount!
It starts at 10am so we’ll meet at 9:45am.
We encourage all students in all instruments to join us as we walk around the Grand Villa complex with maracas, tambourines, jingle bracelets, wood sounders, and other fun hand percussives. We’ll have a bluetooth speaker and music playing for us to sing along to as we walk. We encourage those who are coming to wear festive/patriotic attire.
It’s not a long walk and there will be other groups participating too. Dogs (and other family members) are welcome!
We will also be back for our regular 3rd Sunday visit on July 21st, so if you’d like to perform, let your teacher and Mrs Emily know.
Sunday, July 21st @ 2pm
Sunday, August 18th @ 2pm
Sunday, September 15th @ 2pm

Planet e Studios is excited to announce the return of Mr. Keith Schuman this summer, presenting a one-week Improv Comedy Camp!
Get ready for a week filled with laughter and creativity as students dive into the world of improv theater. During this camp, participants will not only have a blast, but also develop valuable skills in character creation, scene building, and spontaneous songwriting.
This 5-day camp will run from Monday to Friday, starting at 9am and concluding at 12pm. It is open to students aged 8 to 16, offering a unique opportunity for young talents to explore their improvisational abilities in a supportive and engaging environment.
Monday, July 8th- Friday, July 12th!
The highlight of the camp is a highly anticipated performance on Friday, July 12th at 7pm, where our students will showcase their newfound skills in an audience-engaging and entirely interactive performance. This showcase will feature the students performing scenes and songs inspired by audience suggestions and participation, right here at Planet e Studios. Trust us, you won’t want to miss this!
To secure your spot in this exciting camp, contact us today by calling or texting 386.242.4014. We have limited availability, so don’t delay!

Our Musical Theater Summer Camp, led by Miss Hannah Pierce, offers a two-week immersive experience that culminates into a sensational six-song showcase. Designed for 10-15 talented students between the ages of 8 and 16, this camp will provide opportunities for solos, ensembles, blocking, choreography, and training in stage directions, acting, harmonies, and ensemble building.
Monday, July 22nd- Friday, August 2nd!
During this musical theater adventure, students will come together on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for three action-packed hours each day, from 10:30am to 1:30pm. For a total of two weeks, they will immerse themselves in the world of musical theater. The camp will perform their showcase for friends and family Saturday, August 3rd, at Palm Coast Bible Church, at 3pm.
Call/text 386.242.4014, because this camp is filling up QUICKLY.
Teacher Spotlight
Sekora Schuman

Miss Sekora has been with Planet e Studios for 2 years! She teaches beginner violin, piano, ukulele, voice, and music exploration with us on Thursdays and Fridays. Miss Sekora is perfect for our youngest musicians, and is also very good with our older students.
he is a talented “jack of all trades” with a knack for teaching, and we are blessed to have had her with us these past two years. Unfortunately for us, Miss Sekora is officially going on-campus for her college experience and will not be at Planet e Studios beginning mid-August. She is always welcome back and we hope she still pops in to say hi and for performances when she’s in town. We love you, Sekora and wish you the best of all your experiences!
Youth Rock Band Showcase
Saturday, July 27th, at 1pm
Join us for the exciting conclusion of our second official semester of Youth Rock Band right here at Planet e Studios! On Saturday, July 27th, at 1pm, our two Youth Rock Bands are performing the covers and original pieces they’ve been learning for the past 12 weeks. This event is open to the public, and we extend a special invitation to anyone interested in future opportunities with the Youth Rock Band.

Please keep in mind that space is limited, and priority will be given to the families of our band members.
We wholeheartedly invite each and every one of you to be a part of this extraordinary experience. Your presence and support will undoubtedly have a profound impact on these talented young musicians.
Youth Rock Band Auditions
Sunday, July 28th, at 1pm

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join our Youth Rock Band Program!
Auditions will be held on Sunday, July 28th, 2024, at 1pm, and registration is now open on our website If this is your first semester, auditioning is a requirement to secure your spot in the program.
Current students are not required to audition again, but are always welcome to. We encourage you to register as soon as possible to ensure a time slot that works for you – availability is limited.
Our program is all about unleashing your inner rockstar! Each semester is packed with 12 weekly exhilarating sessions, and that’s not all. At the end of each semester, we have an unforgettable showcase featuring our talented bands. For this semester we are able to have our showcase at the Bunnell Italian Festival on October 19th, at 12 pm, at the Flagler County Fairgrounds!
Youth Rock Band is a chance for you to shine and show off your skills like never before. The cost for each semester is $250. Additionally, new students pay a $15 registration fee.
When you join us, you’ll be part of a tight-knit community that is passionate about music. You’ll engage in weekly sessions with a skilled instructor and fellow band members who share the same love for music as you do. Together, you’ll explore and master a range of instruments like guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, and more, creating a comprehensive musical journey that will take you to new heights.

**Class Canceled July 7th, due to Improv Comedy Camp!**
At Planet e Studios, we offer a transformative musical experience that fosters creativity and inspires a deep appreciation for music in children. Our captivating activities are designed to ignite a lifelong love for music in young minds. With a carefully crafted curriculum, we provide a harmonious balance between guided music activities and student-led learning, allowing for both structure and freedom in the learning process.
Through active participation in our classes, children have the opportunity to cultivate essential early music skills, enhance memory and brain development, improve hand-eye coordination, develop ear training abilities, refine recognition and listening skills, strengthen social skills, and build unwavering confidence.
Join us every Wednesday at 11am. We offer a tailored musical program for children aged 3 to 5 years old. Call or text 386.242.4014 today to secure your child’s place in this transformative musical journey.
Please be advised that our Wednesday, July 7th class will not be meeting due to our Improv Comedy Camp utilizing the space.
Make-up Lessons Reminder
Make-up lessons are available on the 2nd Saturday of every month. If there is a conflict with the 2nd Saturday, we choose a different Saturday that month, but the dates are always posted in the studio on the “What’s Happening” board. You can sign up with our Music Director anytime beforehand to reserve your time, if you have a lesson to make up.