What’s Happening in September, 2024

What’s Happening in September, 2024

Musical Theater Summer Camp Showcase

Our Musical Theater Summer Camp Showcase was a blast! These campers learned so much in such a short amount of time- we can’t wait to see what they can do next year! There were solos, choreography, costumes, and a bunch of ensemble camaraderie, which is exactly what we wanted to happen. They performed their six-song showcase at Palm Coast Bible Church and have lit a fire for a Musical Theater push here at Planet e Studios. We will keep you posted for more information on new Musical Theater opportunities to come!

Grand Villa Senior Living Facility

Sunday, September 15th, 2pm

Don’t miss out on our upcoming Grand Villa performance on Sunday, September 15th. If you have a passion for performing and want to showcase your talent, make sure to inform your teacher or reach out to Mrs. Emily directly. These performances provide a wonderful chance to share the gift of music with the community. The residents eagerly look forward to our visits and often sing along with us, especially during the group sing-a-long at the end of each show. We are grateful for the relationships we’ve built with the residents and how our students are feeling more and more comfortable performing in front of others. If you’re unsure about performing, you are always more than welcome to come out and support, to see what it’s like and to make a new friend!

Upcoming Performances

Sunday, September 15th @ 2pm

Sun, October 20th @ 2pm

Sunday, November 17th @ 2pm

NFMC Festival Program

District Festival Preparation

Through the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC), our students can participate and compete in a wonderful Festival Program. District Festival is an opportunity to perform and receive an evaluation in a non-competitive environment. State Festival is an optional competition, following the District Festival. Through this entire experience, music students improve their musicianship, technique, and accountability, to say the least. This event is for dedicated students who are willing to put in the work.

Together, with each participating student, we pick two pieces that are within their difficulty level; one from a required list, and one “choice” piece that isn’t on the list. Students have an ample amount of time to practice and perfect those two pieces before they perform them at the District Festival at the end of February 2024.

At District Festival, students perform their two pieces privately for a music judge and receive a rating and comments, based on their performance. If they receive a “Superior” (the highest) rating, they can go on to compete at the State level in May 2024, if they so choose. At State Festival, students only perform their required piece for 2-3 judges. A Winner and/or Honorable Mention(s) are chosen for each category and level.

If you are interested in participating in the Festival Programs, let your teacher and our Music Director know so that you can begin selecting your pieces. There is a registration fee to participate and for vocalists, there are accompanist fees. All fees will be disclosed as soon as we are given the information. A final confirmation and signature of participation are due by October 1st!

Teacher Spotlight

Omar Montalvo

Mr. Omar has been with Planet e Studios for 5 months! He is with us Mondays thru Fridays and teaches piano, ukulele, and guitar. He is loved by all his students and has one of the highest retention rates, thus far. Mr. Omar and his students are regular Grand Villa performers, and he is also co-teaching our Youth Rock Band this semester.

What’s even more exciting is his newest project at Planet e Studios for recording opportunities! He is currently working on a demo with five of our students, recording audio and video, which will become an available option for all of our students later this year. We are very blessed that Mr. Omar found us and can’t wait for all the new musical adventures to come. Thank you for being a part of Planet e Studios, Omar!

Starting September 11th, our Music Exploration class will be lead by Miss Hannah! This is a small group class for 3-5 year olds and their respective adult. We meet every Wednesday at 11am for an hour of musical fun.

Music explorers engage in a variety of activities with finger-plays, speaking, singing, movement, dancing, and instrumental features. Each student has access to pitched and non-pitched instruments such as the piano, xylophones, tambourines, bells and shakers of all sorts, drums, triangles, and wood sounders.

Through guided music activities and student-led learning, we explore musical elements and develop early music skills in addition to memory and brain development, hand-eye coordination, ear training, recognition and listening skills, social skills and confidence building.

Join us every Wednesday at 11am for our tailored musical program for children aged 3 to 5. Call or text 386.242.4014 to secure your child’s place in this transformative musical journey.

Pokémon TCG Meetup

Next Meetup: Sunday, October 6th, at 2pm

Planet e Studios hosts Pokemon TCG Meetups on the FIRST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH***. With one meetup per month, we provide a focused and engaging experience for our participants. To ensure that you don’t miss out on these exciting events, we will post reminders on our Facebook and Instagram pages leading up to each meetup, so be sure to be following us to stay updated.

Our Pokemon TCG Meetups are designed to be a fun opportunity for players of all skill levels to come together, learn the game, engage in trading, and enjoy some friendly competition. We look forward to seeing you at our next meetup!

Make-up Lessons Reminder

Make-up lessons are available on the 2nd Saturday of every month. If there is a conflict with the 2nd Saturday, we choose a different Saturday that month, but the dates are always posted in the studio on the “What’s Happening” board. You can sign up with our Music Director anytime beforehand to reserve your time, if you have a lesson to make up.