FFMC State Festival
Jr Convention 2024 Results
We are extremely proud of all of our students at Planet e Studios! May 3rd & 4th, a group of 22 talented student musicians from our studio made their way to Tampa, FL, to the University of South Florida, to participate in the 2024 FFMC State Festival Junior Convention. This event is a highly competitive and prestigious event, with students competing from all over Florida. We are thrilled to say that everyone performed exceptionally well!
Participating in this competition for the seventh consecutive year marks a significant milestone for Planet e Studios. It demonstrates our commitment to providing our students with opportunities to showcase their abilities on a larger stage and gain valuable experience in a competitive environment.
The dedication and hard work that our students have put into their training and lessons truly paid off at State Festival this year. Their impressive performances reflect the high level of musical education and guidance provided by our instructors at Planet e Studios.
As we look back on this year’s competition, we are filled with immense pride for our students and their achievements. We are grateful for their unwavering passion and commitment to their craft, and we are excited to continue nurturing their talent and guiding them towards even greater successes in the future.
2024 FFMC State Jr Convention Winners and Honorable Mentions:
Solo Art Song: Mackenzie K.
Solo Musical Theater: Landon B.
Solo Musical Theater: Madelyn M.
Solo Musical Theater: Meaganne D.
Duet Musical Theater: Mackenzie K. & Leah K.
Solo Snare Drum: Branson D.
Summer Recital 2024
June 15th & June 22nd
Registration is now open for our 2024 Summer Recital Series! The number of students participating will determine how many shows we have and the official showtimes. Current projection: 12:30pm & 2:30pm both Saturdays. We will have this solidified by May 25th.
Recitals are incredible opportunities for our students to set goals and achieve them, while expressing and sharing our love for music with one another and the community.
This will be our 13th recital showcase and we’re looking forward to hearing our students sing and play their hearts out, as usual!
Our recitals are free and open to the public.
For students participating in the Summer Recital, there is a $20 registration fee per student to cover costs. If a student wants to perform in multiple mediums (i.e. voice and piano, separately, or an additional duet), the registration fee is $40. Each student will perform in one show, on either June 15th or June 22nd.
If you or your child(ren) would like to participate, please register online by May 20th AND let your teacher know ASAP so that you can begin choosing your performance piece!
Our pilot Youth Rock Band semester is coming to an end this month with a Showcase of everything they have been working on this past semester. We think it has been a resounding success and can’t wait to see their performance on Sunday, 4/21/24, which will take place right here at Planet e Studios, at 1pm, before we head over to Grand Villa that day. This event is open to the public, and we highly encourage anyone interested in future opportunities with the Youth Rock Band to join us. Please note that due to limited space, priority will be given to the families of our band members.

Grand Villa Senior Living Facility
Monthly Performance Opportunities

At Planet e Studios, we have a special partnership with Grand Villa of Palm Coast, a renowned senior living community. Our students showcase their talent and passion for the performing arts by performing captivating shows every month. The residents eagerly await these performances and their overwhelming support is a testament to the transformative power of music and the arts. These experiences provide our students with real-world experience and boost their confidence for a successful future in the arts, fostering a vibrant community of artists.
In order to ensure regular visits, we have scheduled our performances for the third Sunday of every month, with the exception of June. Here are the upcoming dates for your convenience:
May 19th @ 2pm
*Sat. July 6th Parade!*
July 21st @ 2pm
We will not be visiting Grand Villa in June due to our Summer Recitals, but in July we’ll get to visit our friends twice! We will be participating in their 4th of July Parade on Saturday July 6th, and we’ll also be back July 21st for our regularly scheduled 3rd Sunday of the month visit.
If you are interested in participating in future performances, please inform your teacher and our Music Director, Emily.
Pokemon Youth Tournament
May 19th @ 1pm

Don’t miss out on some friendly competition and a chance to win a custom hand-crafted Pokemon trophy and an Elite Trainer Box, valued at $40 retail! Entry into the tournament is $10 and comes with a Temporal Forces booster pack. Participants will have the opportunity to play in one of two distinct divisions: the Junior Division for ages 7-12, and the Senior Division for ages 13-18.
To help you prepare and hone your strategies, we invite all trainers to join us every Sunday from 3pm – 5pm for casual play and practice sessions. This is a great opportunity to fine-tune your skills, familiarize yourself with the unique strategies, and make lasting connections with fellow players.
Teacher Spotlight
Keith Schuman

Keith has been with Planet e Studios for 1 year and 9 months! He teaches drums and voice with us, and also ran our first Summer Musical Theater Camp last year.
Mr. Keith is a full-time teacher and is therefore only with us on Mondays, so if you’re on his roster, you are one of the lucky few! Mr. Keith is fantastic with all ages, but is especially gifted with our very young drummers and elementary-aged students. He knows exactly how to keep them engaged and having a fun time while learning. Thank you for being with us, Keith!
Youth Rock Band Showcase & Program

The first semester groups of our Youth Rock Band Program had their showcase April 21st, and it was awesome! Two bands performed their cover songs and original compositions right on our stage at Planet e Studios. It was a memorable example of how precious camaraderie is and how the dynamics of playing in a group can help our musicians reallypush themselves beyond their limits and insecurities.
They built friendships and opened themselves up to one another, they shared the music, and they rocked together. Shout out to Mr. Joey for pioneering a truly unique and incredible program!

With one semester and showcase in the books, we’ve had our auditions and we’re back in session for our next semester. We have two classes; one on Tuesdays 6pm-7pm and one on Thursdays 6:15pm-7:15pm, with a total of 10 students between them. Some members participated last semester and some are brand new, and all of them have been thrown into their group, with the expectation to learn how to work and jam together, as a band. These groups have 12 weeks to get their songs together for their showcase Sunday, July 27th, at 1pm. We can’t wait to hear them rock!
Rock Band | The Summer Experience
06.10.24 – 06.21.24
[Showcase at Sat June 22nd Recital]

We’re bringing back the Rock Band Summer Camp that piloted our entire Youth Rock Band Program! A small group of 6-8 students, ages 10-16, will form a rock band under the guidance and instruction of our teacher, Mr. Joey. Students will learn about the different instruments in a rock band, and through their own musical interests and talents, they’ll choose two cover songs to perfect, and will even write an original composition together.
Rock Band will meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for 3 hours a day (10:30am-1:30pm), for 2 weeks. Then, they’ll showcase their music for friends and family at our Summer Recital on June 22nd (time TBD). This means they’ll have a total of 24 hours in camp time to prepare their set from scratch.
Join us at Planet e Studios and let your child jump into a musical experience unlike any other. Give them the chance to unleash their creativity, build friendships, and experience the magic of performing in a real rock band.
Call 386.242.4012 before spots are filled.
Let the Summer Experience begin!
Musical Theater Summer Camp
July 2024

Planet e Studios is working on a new and exciting Musical Theater Summer Camp for this July! Run by Miss Hannah Pierce, we will have more information on this before schools let out and summer officially begins 😃
Stay tuned!
Music Exploration Spots Available
Ages 3-5 yr

Immerse your child in a world of musical adventure and creativity with our engaging activities. From finger-plays to speaking, singing to movement, dancing to instrumental features, our classes are designed to ignite a deep love and appreciation for music in young minds.
Our dynamic classes combine guided music activities with student-led learning, providing a perfect balance of structure and freedom. As your child participates in these sessions, they will develop essential early music skills while simultaneously enhancing memory and brain development, hand-eye coordination, ear training, recognition and listening skills, social skills, and confidence building.
Join us every Wednesday for music exploration at 11am, we offer a tailored musical program for early development geared towards ages 3 to 5 years old.
Call or text 386.242.4014 today to secure your child’s place.
Zumba After Hours

Join us for an exhilarating Zumba workout like no other, priced at an unbeatable $8 per person, per class. With intimate classes limited to 12 participants, you’ll receive personalized attention for a truly immersive experience. Led by Brandi, an experienced Zumba instructor, each session promises infectious energy, mesmerizing moves, and curated playlists that will leave you wanting more.
Make-up Lessons
Make-up lessons are available on the 2nd Saturday of every month. If there is a conflict with the 2nd Saturday, we choose a different Saturday that month, but the dates are always posted in the studio on the “What’s Happening” board. You can sign up with our Music Director anytime beforehand to reserve your time, if you have a lesson to make up.