We have 54 students participating in our Summer Recitals this month. This will be our 13th recital showcase and we’re looking forward to hearing our students sing and play their hearts out, as usual! Make sure to invite your friends and family and share the dates on social media.
We welcome all our students and families to come out and support, even if you aren’t participating this round. Our recitals are free and open to the public. Let’s support each other, our community, and the talents of our students.

Mr. Keith Schuman is back this summer with a one week Improv Comedy Camp! This hilarious camp is filled to the brim with improv theater games, and students will learn to create characters, scenes, and songs, on the spot.
This is going to be a super fun 5 day camp, Monday thru Friday, from 9am-12pm, for students ages 8-16. There will be a performance on either Friday July 12th or Saturday July 13th (we’ll keep you posted), where students will perform based on audience suggestions and audience participation. You’ll definitely want to be there for this one!
We have spots for up to 10 students.

Miss Hannah Pierce is joining the Planet e Studios team and is debuting with an awesome, action-packed, musical theater camp!
This camp is an intensive 2 week experience with a six-song showcase at the end. Geared for 10-15 students ages 8-16, there will be solos, ensembles, blocking, and choreography, as well as training in stage directions, acting, harmonies, and ensemble building.
Students will meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for 3 hours a day (10:30am-1:30pm), for 2 weeks. Then, they’ll showcase their music for friends and family on Saturday, August 3rd (time and location TBD). This means they’ll have a total of 24 hours in camp time to prepare their set from scratch.
Register now, because this camp is going to fill up QUICKLY.
FFMC State Festival Junior Convention 2024
Outstanding Male Voice Award

At the State Festival Junior Convention this past May 3rd & 4th, not only did we have State Competition Winners and Honorable Mentions, we had a scholarship recipient! There are only a total of nine endowed scholarships, which are chosen solely by the judges at the State Festival Junior Convention. Our own Landon Borg was selected and received the Junior Award for Musically Outstanding Male Voice, along with a $400 scholarship! We are beyond proud of him and his achievements. Landon is the first recipient from Planet e Studios (and from all the studios in Palm Coast) to receive this award. Congratulations Landon, we can’t wait to hear what you have planned next!
Spotlight on Flagler Youth Talent Show

Planet e Studios would like to give a shout out to our very own Sophia Paige for her amazing performance at the Spotlight on Flagler Youth Talent Show, taking home First Place in the Middle Division! In addition to this honor, she was also asked to perform the National Anthem for her 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony, which she did beautifully. Way to go, Sophia!
Grand Villa Senior Living Facility
Monthly Performance Opportunities

May’s Grand Villa visit was another fantastic afternoon of music and community. We will not be visiting in June due to our Summer Recitals, however we will be back twice in July!
🎉Saturday, July 6, 2024, we will be participating in Grand Villa’s 4th of July Parade🎉
We encourage all students in all instruments to join us as we walk around the Grand Villa complex singing patriotic songs with maracas, tambourines, jingle bracelets, wood sounders, and other fun hand percussives. It’s not a long walk and there will be other groups participating too. Dogs (and other family members) are welcome! If you are interested in participating, please text/email our Music Director, Mrs. Emily. We encourage those who are coming to wear patriotic attire.
We will also be back for our regular 3rd Sunday visit on July 21st, so if you’d like to perform, let your teacher and Mrs Emily know.
Teacher Spotlight
Larisa Feinberg

Mrs. Larisa has been with Planet e Studios for 5 years! She teaches piano with us on Mondays and Thursdays. Before Planet e Studios, Mrs Larisa taught privately for decades, and in 2017, she decided to “retire” and
transferred her students over to our Music Director Emily, who is also her daughter. That was the beginning of Planet e Studios in Palm Coast! If you know Mrs. Larisa, you know she can’t stay away from music and teaching, and so she returned, WITH Planet e Studios, and we are so glad she did. She is a treasure with all ages, from our young five year olds to our senior citizens, and she always has a welcoming smile when you walk into the studio. Thank you for being a part of our vision and always helping us grow, Larisa!
We are introducing new group lessons in electric piano and ukulele. These classes will run throughout the Summer, starting on Wednesdays, 1pm for electric piano and 2pm for ukulele. Depending on the popularity, these classes may expand to more days throughout the week. Bring the whole family and create lasting memories through music. Lessons can be booked in advance for $15 a class.
Summer Buckets & Bongos
with Mr. John
Select Tuesday, 1pm-2pm & 7:30pm-8:30pm

Join Mr. John this summer for an exciting percussion program at Planet e Studios! It’s only $8 a session to join this family-friendly musical experience. Drop ins are welcome, but booking in advance is recommended to secure a spot, as seating and supplies are limited.
This is perfect for families looking for something fun they can enjoy together. All ages and musical backgrounds are welcome! Bring a towel for comfort and feel free to bring your own bucket, bongos and/or drumsticks, or you can use our provided ones. No experience is necessary, just a love for music!
To secure your spot, book now by clicking the button below or call/text 386.242.4012. If you would like to sign up more than one applicant, complete a separate registration for each of them.
Explore the world of percussion with Mr. John at Planet e Studios!

Experience the joy of music exploration and unleash your child’s creativity with our captivating activities. Our classes ignite a profound love and appreciation for music in young minds. We blend guided music activities with student-led learning, providing a harmonious blend of structure and freedom. Through active participation, your child will cultivate essential early music skills, memory and brain development, hand-eye coordination, ear training, recognition and listening skills, social skills, and unwavering confidence.
Join us every Wednesday at 11am. We offer a tailored musical program for children aged 3 to 5 years old.
Call or text 386.242.4014 today to secure your child’s place in this transformative musical journey.
Make-up Lessons
Make-up lessons are available on the 2nd Saturday of every month. If there is a conflict with the 2nd Saturday, we choose a different Saturday that month, but the dates are always posted in the studio on the “What’s Happening” board. You can sign up with our Music Director anytime beforehand to reserve your time, if you have a lesson to make up.