Join us on August 3rd, at 3pm, at Palm Coast Bible Church, for a remarkable six-song showcase of Musical Theater! This event is spearheaded by Miss Hannah Pierce, our newest voice teacher at Planet e Studios, and will feature a captivating performance by our 13 talented Musical Theater Summer Campers. These campers have been hard at work for two straight weeks and are super excited to show off what they’ve learned together. This is a short and entertaining event that you will not want to miss!
Grand Villa Senior Living Facility
Monthly Performance Opportunities

Don’t miss out on our upcoming Grand Villa performance on Sunday, August 18th. If you have a passion for performing and want to showcase your talent, make sure to inform your teacher or reach out to Mrs. Emily directly. These performances provide a wonderful chance to share the gift of music with the community. The residents eagerly look forward to our visits and often sing along with us, especially during the group sing-a-long at the end of each show. This August’s visit marks our one year anniversary with Grand Villa! We are grateful for the relationships we’ve built with the residents and how our students are feeling more and more comfortable performing in front of others. If you’re unsure about performing, you are always more than welcome to come out and support, to see what it’s like and to make a new friend!
Sun, August 18th @ 2pm
Sun, September 15th @ 2pm
Sun, October 20th @ 2pm
Improv Comedy Show

Last month, Planet e Studios successfully launched our first Improv Comedy Camp, under the direction of Mr. Keith. The camp proved to be exceptionally successful, culminating in a final performance that was open to the public, and absolutely hysterical. The campers demonstrated remarkable talent, displaying their wit, enthusiasm, and funny quick-thinking throughout the event. The performance showcased unforgettable audience engagement, as well as spontaneous and creative improvisation from our skilled performers. Mr. Keith’s exceptional direction played a vital role in orchestrating an impressive experience. We eagerly anticipate the possibility of hosting this camp once again next summer, with the invaluable expertise of Mr. Keith.
Youth Rock Band Showcase

Another successful Rock Band Showcase was held last month, marking the conclusion of our Youth Rock Band program’s second semester! Our two bands delivered outstanding performances that had the audience smiling, clapping, and singing along. The showcase featured a diverse repertoire of artists, including Radiohead, Metric, Weezer, The White Stripes, and Aerosmith. These bands played on both their primary and non-primary instruments, showing off how in our Youth Rock Band program, they learn to play different instruments in a band, building well-rounded musicians. You can see videos of their performances on our Facebook and Instagram pages. The upcoming semester has already begun and will conclude with a performance at the Bunnell Italian Festival Saturday, October 19th, at 12pm.

Teacher Spotlight
Lynn Parent

Lynn has been with Planet e Studios for 1 year and 10 months! She started with us back in 2019 and is the reason we expanded from teaching out of our home (and her home), to renting a 4-bedroom house solely for Planet e Studios music lessons, back in 2020. After a few years away from Florida, she came back last August and has been with us since. She is an incredible voice teacher with so much experience to share with her students, and a heart full of love.
She comes to every Grand Villa visit and every performance event that our students participate in, and is their biggest advocate. Miss Lynn is with us Mondays thru Fridays and we are so appreciative to have her as a part of our team. Thank you, Lynn!

At Planet e Studios, we offer a transformative musical experience that fosters creativity and inspires a deep appreciation for music in children. Our activities ignite a lifelong love for music in young minds through a carefully crafted curriculum that balances guided music activities with student-led learning.
Children who participate in our classes cultivate essential early music skills, enhance memory and brain development, improve coordination, develop ear training abilities, refine recognition and listening skills, strengthen social skills, and build confidence.
Join us every Wednesday at 11am for our tailored musical program for children aged 3 to 5. Call or text 386.242.4014 to secure your child’s place in this transformative musical journey.

Starting this month, Planet e Studios will be hosting our Pokemon TCG Meetups on the FIRST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH***. This adjustment means that we will now have one meetup per month, allowing us to provide a more focused and engaging experience for our participants. To ensure that you don’t miss out on these exciting events, we will post reminders on our Facebook and Instagram pages leading up to each meetup, so be sure to be following us to stay updated.
Our Pokemon TCG Meetups are designed to provide a fun opportunity for players of all skill levels to come together, learn the game, engage in trading, and enjoy some friendly competition. We look forward to your presence at our next meetup and can’t wait to see you there.
Sept. 1st, 2023
Oct. 6th, 2023
Nov. 3rd, 2023
Dec. 1st, 2023

Make-up lessons are available on the 2nd Saturday of every month. If there is a conflict with the 2nd Saturday, we choose a different Saturday that month, but the dates are always posted in the studio on the “What’s Happening” board. You can sign up with our Music Director anytime beforehand to reserve your time, if you have a lesson to make up.