NFMC District Festival
February 15th, 8:30am-4pm
Planet e Studios has 41 students registered for the Festival Program this year, in voice, piano, and snare drum. On Saturday, February 15, 2025, each student will perform two pieces for a music judge and will receive a rating on their performance. Our own Mr. Omar will even be accompanying our voice students on the piano. Whoever receives a “Superior” rating can then go on to State Festival at USF in Tampa, in May 2025. Good luck everyone, and have fun!
Grand Villa Performance
Sunday, January 19th, 2pm

Don’t miss out on our upcoming Grand Villa performance on Sunday, February 16th. If you have a passion for performing and want to showcase your talent, make sure to inform your teacher or reach out to Mrs. Emily directly. These performances provide a wonderful chance to share the gift of music with the community. The residents eagerly look forward to our visits and often sing along with us, especially during the group sing-a-long at the end of each show. We are grateful for the relationships we’ve built with the residents and how our students are feeling more and more comfortable performing in front of others. If you’re unsure about performing, you are always more than welcome to come out and support, to see what it’s like and to make a new friend!
Sunday, Feb. 17th @ 2pm
Sunday, Mar. 16th @ 2pm
Sunday, Apr. 120th @ 2pm

Youth Rock Band Showcase

Join us for the exciting conclusion of our 4th semester of Youth Rock Band, right here at Planet e Studios! On Saturday, February 22nd, at 1pm, our two Youth Rock Bands are performing the covers and original pieces they’ve been learning for the past 12 weeks. This event is open to the public, but please keep in mind that space is limited, so priority will be given to the families of our band members.
These rockers are working hard, preparing music they’ve never played or sung before, and sometimes on a completely new instrument to them. It’s going to be an awesome show, so come on out and show your support, especially if you’re thinking about joining the program 🙂.
Youth Rock Band Auditions
Saturday, March 8th, starting 2:30pm Spring Semester
Our Youth Rock Band auditions are Saturday, March 8th, starting at 2:30pm, after make-up lessons that day. To participate in the program, if this is your first semester, you have to audition. To do so, register on our website at: If you are interested, we strongly encourage you to register as soon as possible to secure your audition time, as there are limited slots available. Auditions are about 10 minutes long.

Our program is structured into semesters, with each semester consisting of 12 sessions. Youth Rock Band members come together to learn and play different songs on all the traditional rock band instruments like the guitar, bass, drums, and keyboard, plus more. Our bands write their own compositions together and they learn how to play in different styles. We even get them out of their comfort zone to sing or play on a completely new instrument to them. At the end of each semester, there is a band showcase that’s open to the public, where our Youth Rock Bands can show off everything they’ve learned throughout the semester.
The cost for each semester is $240. The semester fee covers hour-long, weekly sessions with your instructor and fellow band members. Additionally, new students are required to pay a $15 registration fee.
Teacher Spotlight
Steve Scouten

Steve Scouten- Mr. Steve has been with Planet e Studios for 2 years and 2 months! He teaches guitar, bass, and ukulele with us on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Mr. Steve is one of the most calming and relaxing teachers. He has a way of making everyone feel comfortable, whether they are 7 years old or 77 years old. His kind demeanor makes learning music feel natural and his students can learn so many different styles of playing from him. He gigs and plays regularly in the St. Augustine and Flagler Beach area, so you might be lucky enough to hear him in action. We are grateful to have you with us, Steve!
Pokémon TCG Meetup
Sunday, March 2nd, 2pm to 4pm

Join us at Planet e Studios for Pokémon TCG Meetups held on the first Sunday of every month*! These monthly events are designed to create a focused and engaging environment for Pokémon Trading Card Game enthusiasts.
We’ll post reminders on our Facebook and Instagram pages leading up to each meetup, so make sure you’re following us to stay in the loop!
Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, our meetups offer something for everyone:
Learn the Game: Get tips and tricks to improve your skills.
Trading Opportunities: Build your dream deck by trading cards with fellow players.
Friendly Competition: Put your strategies to the test in a supportive, fun atmosphere.
We can’t wait to see you at our next meetup—come catch ’em all with us!

Led by Miss Hannah, our Music Exploration class is a fun and interactive experience for children aged 3 to 5 years, accompanied by their adult. The class meets every Wednesday at 11:00 AM for an hour of musical discovery and creativity.
In this small group setting, music explorers engage in a variety of activities that include:
Fingerplays and storytelling
Singing and vocal play
Movement and dancing
Instrumental activities featuring both pitched and non-pitched instruments
Each student gets hands-on experience with instruments like pianos, xylophones, tambourines, bells, shakers, drums, triangles, and wood sounders, offering a rich sensory and musical experience.
Secure your child’s spot in this transformative journey! Call or text 386.242.4014 today.
Make-up Lessons Reminder
Make-up lessons are available on the 2nd Saturday of every month. If there is a conflict with the 2nd Saturday, we choose a different Saturday that month. The dates are always posted in the studio on the “What’s Happening” board. You can sign up with our Music Director anytime beforehand to reserve your time, if you have a lesson to make up.