Headshot of Stephen Scouton, Guitar teacher at Planet e Studios

Quick Facts

Years Experience: 35+
Availability: M-F
Lessons Available: 

  • Guitar
  • Ukulele
  • Bass Guitar

Stephen Scouten

Stephen has been teaching and performing on the guitar for over 35 years. After studying piano for a few years as a kid, the sounds of 70’s rock influenced him to pick up the guitar at age 14. He soon made the transition to classical and jazz guitar, throwing much of his energy into mastering the instrument.

Stephen holds a bachelor’s degree in classical guitar performance from Roberts Wesleyan College and has studied jazz with various teachers while working his day job in NYC as a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing. Over the years he has had opportunities to hone his craft as a guitar player and guitar teacher, working in different music stores and teaching privately while performing as a solo guitarist in weddings, restaurants, and private dinners. He has also played in church worship bands and served as a worship leader. Steve is excited to pass on his musical experience to his students at Planet e Studios.

30 Minute Lessons

$ 110
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship

45 Minute Lessons

$ 160
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship

60 Minute Lessons

$ 210
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship