Our History

Our History

Hello and welcome to our world, Planet e Studios. I’d like to introduce myself, I’m Co-Founder and Administrative Director, Wil Hosier. My wife, the very beautiful and very talented, Co-Founder and Music Director, Emily Hosier and I founded our music school in Brooklyn, NY in 2016. We moved to Emily’s hometown, Palm Coast the following year and brought Planet e Studios with us. Music has always been a deep passion for both of us and has followed us our whole lives, naturally we wanted to share that passion with the world, hence Planet e Studios.

Emily is a Florida Certified Professional Music Educator.

Emily has a B.S. in Music Education and Graduate Studies in Voice Performance. She studied at the University of Central Florida (UCF) under Dr. JoAnne Stephenson and Dr. David Brunner, and at the University of South Florida (USF) under Dr. Kyoung Cho and Dr. David Williams. She is continuing her Masters in Voice and Music Education currently. Emily has been teaching for over nine years in both individual and classroom settings. She’s worked with private music schools and spent time as an Elementary School Music Teacher in the Bronx, NY.


Emily has been singing and performing since her toddler days, and teaching since her teen years. She’s held lead roles in musical theater productions throughout Central Florida and has performed with UCF’s Opera Workshop, USF’s Opera Workshop, and Opera Tampa. Emily’s teaching experience encompasses all ages.

A love for music and a love for being around others [and helping others] brought Emily to this line of work. She cares about her students, parents, teachers, and instructors and gives her all in Planet e Studios. She wants everyone to achieve their musical goals and let that achievement enrich and influence every aspect of their lives, in all that they do. For Emily, music is an essential, universal part of life. To be able to experience and share music is such a gift, and for her, nothing surpasses working together to discover students’ talents and helping them to flourish.

I, on the other hand, have always been a behind-the-scene kinda of guy

My background is in Post-Production, Mastering Audio, and Sound Design. I received my A.S. in Music & Sound Technology at Valencia College and did my Bachelor studies in Emerging Media at the University of Central Florida. I was also very fortunate to work with Grammy-Awarding winning Mastering Engineer Bob Katz for an entire year at Digital Domain. Through Bob, I found a huge passion for Mastering Audio, and I opened a Mastering House in Tampa. I published several international albums, E.P.s and singles for musicians in Germany, Italy, France, Israel and here in the U.S.A. I also worked on the Sound Design for various projects with IBM, Shop Japan, and M-Cushion, to name a few.

While pursuing my career in audio, I also worked in Sales & Marketing for various Fortune 500 companies, including Quill and Verizon Wireless. These careers built my passion for working with people and digital content. It led me to volunteer for organizations like Connected Wisdom, Humanity Integrated, and Mutual Responsibility, where I held the role of Content Manager for the North America division.

Emily and I began working together in our volunteer work as content writers, directors, and presenters for various programs across the country. We worked with Senior Living Facilities, Florida Prison Systems, Limmud, Mary Kay, and more. By doing so, we realized how well we work together, and that is when we decided to combine our talents. We took Emily’s private music tutoring and my Mastering Studio and turned it into Planet e Studios- a performance studio where everyone, at any age, can study and learn the joys and benefits of having music in their lives, through the instruments of their choosing.


Let’s Have FUN & Create Music, Together!