Nourishing the BRAIN and BODY

Our Music Exploration classes are conducted in small groups with their respective adult.

Music explorers engage in a variety of activities with finger-plays, speaking, singing, movement, dancing, and instrumental features. Each student has access to pitched and non-pitched instruments such as the piano, xylophones, tambourines, bells and shakers of all sorts, drums, triangles, and wood sounders.


Through guided music activities and student-led learning, we explore musical elements and develop early music skills in addition to memory and brain development, hand-eye coordination, ear training, recognition and listening skills, social skills and confidence building.

Join us at Planet e Studios for our Music Exploration classes, available on Wednesdays for children aged 3 to 5 years at 11am.

Our Music Exploration classes provide a range of engaging activities designed to foster a love for music in young children. These activities include finger-plays, speaking, singing, movement, dancing, and instrumental features. Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of musical instruments, both pitched and non-pitched, such as the piano, xylophones, tambourines, bells, shakers, drums, triangles, and wood sounders.

Through a combination of guided music activities and student-led learning, our classes aim to develop early music skills, as well as enhance memory and brain development, hand-eye coordination, ear training, recognition and listening skills, social skills, and confidence building.

Sign up today

Ages: 3 – 5 yr, Wednesday, 11am

Call or text us as 386-242-4014 or email to sign up.


Let’s have fun and create music, together!
