Headshot of Lynn Parent, Voice teacher at Planet e Studios

Quick Facts

Years Experience: 25+
Availability: Mon – Fri
Lessons Available: 

  • Voice

Lynn Parent

Lynn Parent was fortunate to be raised by a highly talented mother who was a singer and pianist. Her mother invested her skills and love of music into her and her siblings, starting them with conservatory piano lessons at a young age. Under her mother’s guidance, Lynn learned to impersonate Marilyn Monroe in song and action, which led to awards and performances across America as an impersonator, accompanied by a band based in Dallas, Texas.

As Lynn’s passion for music grew, her parents purchased a baby grand piano, and she would often lie underneath it, experiencing the effects of the music as her mother played and sang with great energy. This experience marked the beginning of her journey into sound engineering.

Throughout Lynn’s life, she has been fortunate to receive music scholarships in various disciplines, including conducting, vocal performance, piano proficiency, percussion, and saxophone. She obtained a BA and also extended her music education to include Music Therapy for her students.

Additionally, Lynn has a background in figure skating, dance, modeling, criminology, and has been involved in TV commercials, movie offers, and even received offers from Who’s Who magazine. These experiences have allowed her to share her life and passion with others, ultimately hoping they find joy in their own lives.

30 Minute Lessons

$ 110
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship

45 Minute Lessons

$ 160
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship

60 Minute Lessons

$ 210
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship