Headshot of Larisa Feinberg, Piano teacher at Planet e Studios

Quick Facts

Years Experience: 25+
Availability: Mon, Thur
Lessons Available: 

  • Piano
  • Music Theory

Larisa Feinberg

Larisa Feinberg grew up in a family dedicated to music and the arts. Her mother was the director of an early childhood learning center and her father was a dancer and choreographer at an operahouse. Larisa and her brother were gifted their own pianos in their early childhood, to pursue music. Together they would play and compose songs and poetry. They still do. Larisa started her music lessons at the age of seven, at the Music School of Riga. After school every day, she would walk and take the bus across town to attend music school for three hours every weekday evening.

Larisa continued her education at Riga College, where she earned dual degrees in Elementary Education and Music Education. She has taught in classroom and individual settings, in both Russian and English, for over 15 years. She has experience working with all ages and levels, from beginner to advance, and from young children to senior citizens. In the classroom, Larisa has taught general education, music education, and even Hebrew school. She has also tutored privately in these categories. Larisa’s primary instrument is piano, at which she completed 8 years of piano proficiency at a college level. Locally, Larisa worked with Flagler Community Education, teaching piano privately for ten years. She has also spent time as an accompanist for music competitions and performances.
Larisa thrives on creativity and her passion for music is constant. She actively write books of poems and songs in English and Russian, for different age groups. She also composes religious pieces for her synagogue. For Larisa, music is a connection to her soul and to those around her. It is her favorite form of expression, especially when she gets to share it and make music with others.

30 Minute Lessons

$ 110
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship

45 Minute Lessons

$ 160
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship

60 Minute Lessons

$ 210
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship