Headshot of Emily Hosier, Music Director and Voice teacher at Planet e Studios

Quick Facts

Years Experience: 15+
Availability: Full
Lessons Available: 

  • Voice
  • Piano
  • Ukulele
  • Music Exploration

Emily Hosier

Co-Founder and Music Director of Planet e Studios, Emily Rose Feinberg-Hosier is a Florida Certified Professional Music Educator. Emily has a B.S. in Music Education and Graduate Studies in Voice Performance. She studied at the University of Central Florida (UCF) under Dr. JoAnne Stephenson and Dr. David Brunner, and at the University of South Florida (USF) under Dr. Kyoung Cho and Dr. David Williams. Emily has over 11 years teaching experience in both individual and classroom settings. She was an Elementary School Music Teacher in the Bronx, NY, and holds certifications in Early Childhood Music Education.

Emily has been singing and performing since her toddler days, and teaching since her teen years. She’s held lead roles in musical theater productions throughout Central Florida and has performed with UCF’s Opera Workshop, USF’s Opera Workshop, and Opera Tampa. Emily’s teaching experience encompasses all ages.

A love for music and a love for being around others [and helping others] brought Emily to this line of work. She cares about her students, families, and instructors and gives her all at Planet e Studios. She wants everyone to achieve their musical goals and to let that achievement enrich and influence every aspect of their lives, in all that they do. For Emily, music is an essential, universal part of life. To be able to experience and share music is such a gift, and for her, nothing surpasses working together to discover students’ talents and helping them to flourish.

30 Minute Lessons

$ 110
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship

45 Minute Lessons

$ 160
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship

60 Minute Lessons

$ 210
  • Weekly Lessons
  • Monthly Performances
  • Bi-Annual Recitals
  • NFMC Festival
  • Sibling Discounts
  • Step Up Scholarship